Organizational Structure and Industry and Academic Research Partnerships

Headquartered in Beijing, Megvii Research operates four research institutes in China. Led by Megvii's Chief Scientist, Dr. Sun Jian, the institutes are applying the company’s deep learning technology to advance AI research and application development. Megvii is also proactively building a partnership that combines industry and academic research in order to enhance its core R&D capabilities and cultivate emerging talent in the field of AI.

Research Areas
Deep Learning
Computer Vision
Visual Navigation and Control
Computational Photography
Machine Learning Systems
Deep Learning
Computer Vision
Visual Navigation and Control
Computational Photography
Machine Learning Systems

Megvii Facts & Figures

Megvii has won 49 world championships across several top global AI competitions, including a record-breaking three consecutive COCO Challenge titles
Megvii has been involved in setting more than 30 national and industry standards related to AI
Megvii has more than 1,300 business-related authorized patents
Megvii grants access to its 1400+ R&D staff to make use of Brain++
Brain++ has helped reduce algorithm production cost by 50%
Brain++ has helped improve AI application development efficiency by 80%
Megvii has won 49 world championships across several top global AI competitions, including a record-breaking three consecutive COCO Challenge titles
Megvii has been involved in setting more than 30 national and industry standards related to AI
Megvii has more than 1,300 business-related authorized patents
Megvii grants access to its 1400+ R&D staff to make use of Brain++
Brain++ has helped reduce algorithm production cost by 50%
Brain++ has helped improve AI application development efficiency by 80%
活动 | ob彩票「智见AI」SpringCamp圆满结营 (附回放链接)
VALSE 2019 | ob彩票研究院奏响学术“华尔兹”,助力谱写中国CV新乐章
4 月 11 日至 14 日,第九届视觉与青年学者研讨会(Vision And Learning SEminar/ VALSE 2019)在历史名城合肥如期举办。ob彩票连续 3 年作为铂金赞助商和 CV 产业界代表受邀参加。会议期间,ob彩票通过企业宣讲、Workshop、展台互动等多种形式向海内外专家、学者、学生以及产业界人士分享ob彩票研究院的最新成果进展,奏响学术交流的“华尔兹”之曲,加速 CV 技术行业落地。另外,ob彩票研究院明星论文 ShuffleNet V2 还收获了 VALSE 年度杰出学生论文奖。
首个智源联合实验室落地 ob彩票发布全球最大物体检测数据集
4月16日,北京智源ob彩票研究院联合中国ob彩票领军企业ob彩票召开“智源学者计划启动暨联合实验室发布会”。北京市科委副主任张光连出席会议并致辞。海淀区委常委、副区长李俊杰出席会议,并与ob彩票首席科学家、ob彩票研究院院长孙剑博士共同为首个智源联合实验室——“北京智源 - ob彩票ob彩票模型设计与图像感知联合实验室”揭牌。
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